Accusing Israel of Genocide: South Africa's Spurious Claims
It's a new low when the corrupt ANC government is cheered on in the ICJ, just so long as it is anti-Israel, writes Sharmini Brookes, in South Africa.
It's a new low when the corrupt ANC government is cheered on in the ICJ, just so long as it is anti-Israel, writes Sharmini Brookes, in South Africa.
Civilisation v. Barbarism
Mark Birbeck says we have an opportunity to talk to our young people during the holidays, about the reality of the 10/7 pogrom, without the influence of decolonising academics.
Simon McKeon writes that Hounslow Council needs to quickly overturn its decision to cancel the annual Jewish Living Experience exhibition.
Beverley Marshal writes of the joy of the kibbutz, and its role in rebuilding a sense of humanity in the shadow of 7.10.
Sally Helliwell reports back after attending yesterday's 'Your Silence is LOUD' rally in London.
Civilisation v. Barbarism
Mark Birbeck writes that there is a dangerous consequence to handing the moral compass to Hamas; it provides a conduit for justifying terrorism on the streets of Europe.
Past Events
Mark Birbeck writes about a rally that will challenge the silence over Hamas's sexual violence against women. This is a big test for progressives who have so far failed to speak out.
Simon McKeon has penned a letter to Havering Council asking them to reconsider lighting the Hannukah candles. If you agree, then please send it too.
Mark Birbeck writes in spiked that although Tommy Robinson is an attention-seeker, he should not have been arrested for it.
Sally Taplin explains why she joined the Our Fight contingent on London's massive March Against Antisemitism.
Past Events
We'll be joining the march on November 26th, and we think that you should too! If you'd like to march with us, then join our mailing-list and follow @OurFightUk and we'll share details soon. In the meantime, register on Eventbrite to help the organisers.
Past Events
We will be marching on Sunday to say that we are For Israel, Against Anti-Semitism and For Freedom of Speech. Join us!